Banner Finance and HR Initiatives project goes live at WWU July 1

The Banner Finance and HR Initiatives project is a three-phase effort designed to fully utilize the functionality of the Banner system.

Phase 1 objectives consist of simplifying the chart of accounts by eliminating the 14xxx funds (tuition dollars) and combining them with fund 10200 (state appropriated dollars). This combination results in the payroll and operating functions of a department being recorded in one fund rather than multiple funds. This change will employ full utilization of the Banner Budget Development features allowing University Planning and Budgeting to automate spreadsheet budgeting to download salary and operating budget information, apply required changes, and automatically upload the changes into Banner Finance.

Due to this implementation, Banner Finance will be unavailable on July 1 and 2. The system should be available for use on July 6.

Please direct any questions to Shonda Shipman at (360) 650-3564 or Diana Cline at (360) 650-4762.