11-12: Innovation and Research

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Mysterious epidemic devastates starfish population off the Pacific Coast

Something strange is happening in Seattle’s waters. Laura James was one of the first to notice. She alerted scientists when starfish began washing up on the shores near her home.

Western's Rebekah Green Receives Grant to Study Tsunami's Impact on Coastline Debris

Approximately 6,700 miles away from Misawa, Japan, one of the Port of Misawa's 65-foot long docks is battering the Washington coast.

Rebekah Green, associate director of the Resilience Institute at Western's Huxley College of the Environment, and two of her students are trying…

Songs you love likely to stick with you

It may seem that only annoying songs get stuck in our head but a new study reveals the opposite is actually true.

Researchers at Western Washington University found songs people know and love are more likely to repeat in the brain and environmental cues triggered this phenomenon.

How to instill false memories

Studies have shown that it's easy to make people falsely recall small details about events, but as the fake memories grow in complexity and specificity, implantation grows progressively harder, though not impossible. After three interviews, researchers at Western Washington University…

American dysfunction threatens Canada’s economy

Obama’s re-election means that Obamacare will be the law of the land. What may surprise Canadians is that this new law will likely require Canadian provincial governments to spend more money on health care.

Western Washington University professor Steven Globerman…

Bunn to present on Polaris Project Thursday
Moths hold the spotlight in first comprehensive guide to Northwest species

Butterflies are easy to love, but their night-flying cousins have always been a little harder to cozy up to. A group of Northwest biologists hopes to change that with the first comprehensive guide to the region's moths.

Far from being a bunch of drab…

Dana Jack honored by APA for latest book
Biodiversity helps sustain human life, scientists say

Experts worldwide have long talked about the importance of preserving the diversity of life for the sake of beauty and wonder, or in the hopes of new medical discoveries, or for moral reasons.

A group of scientists is reporting that biodiversity also helps sustain…

Event June 5 showcases innovative faculty
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