aerial view of Western's campus at night, with golden lights surrounded by dark trees

Annual Notification: Communicable Disease Reporting Requirements

Western is committed to the ongoing health and safety of our campus community. Students and employees who know, or who have reason to believe, that they are infected with a communicable disease have an ethical and legal obligation to conduct themselves in ways that minimize exposure in order to protect themselves and others and to inform the appropriate university administrator.

As defined by WAC 246-101-010, a communicable disease “means a disease caused by an infectious agent that can be transmitted from one person, animal, or object to another person by direct or indirect means including transmission through an intermediate host or vector, food, water, or air.” Communicable diseases shall include, but are not be limited to chickenpox (varicella), Ebola, hepatitis, influenza, measles, meningitis, MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), mumps, norovirus (viral gastroenteritis), pertussis (whooping cough), SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), and tuberculosis.

Students should contact the Student Health Center or the Office of the Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services. Administrators, faculty or staff members who become aware of a potential or known condition involving a student should contact Dr. Emily Gibson, Western`s Medical Director.

Employees unable to attend work due to a known or suspected communicable disease should contact both their health care provider and report their absence to their supervisor. Employees are encouraged to also contact Human Resources for guidance regarding disclosure of a communicable disease and for assistance working with their department with any necessary leave or restrictions. Human Resources will notify the Medical Director of any suspected or known communicable diseases.

Any employee, student, prospective student, volunteer or visitor who knowingly arrives from a country outside the United States that has been issued a Travel Health Warning by the Centers for Disease Control must contact the Student Health Center`s Medical Director for medical clearance before being allowed on campus to attend classes, work or other activities.

According to Western policy, individuals with communicable diseases “shall be excluded from enrollment or employment or restricted in their access to university facilities, programs or services if a medically based judgment, in an individual case, establishes that exclusion or restriction is necessary to ensure the health and safety of the infected individual and/or other members of the university community.” Click here for a complete review of this policy.