aerial view of Western's campus at night, with golden lights surrounded by dark trees

Abstract of Oct. 28, 2013, Faculty Senate meeting

Called to order by Senate President Johann Neem at 4 p.m.

Minutes of 14 October 2013 approved as written.

Reports and announcements:

President Neem: Senators are invited to review and circulate a letter from Dean Mark Greenberg about the new library catalog search tool, OneSearch, along with a OneSearch user’s guide. Dean Greenberg urges faculty to meet with librarians to learn how to new the system most effectively.

University President Bruce Shepard: Provost Carbajal announced on President Shepard’s behalf that a committee charged with coordinating response to President Shepard’s Six Questions has been constituted.

Provost Brent Carbajal: Finalists for the Shannon Point Marine Center directorship have been identified and will be on campus beginning in early November. Western was recently named one of the nation’s top Fulbright producing institutions, ranking third among Master’s-granting institutions.

Chuck Lambert, UFWW President: The Union is meeting this week with individuals interested in participating in a new NTT Faculty Work Group. Work on issues surrounding Chair compensation continues.

Josie Ellison, ASVP for Academic Affairs: AS has registered 2749 students as new voters, successfully enrolling more new voters than the student governments of all other Washington state schools combined, and is now working to ensure that students vote in upcoming elections.

Review of committee minutes:

Senators voted unanimously in favor of a motion (forwarded by Elsi Vassdal Ellis and seconded by Jim Graham) to approve ACC minutes of 8 October 2013, Senate Library Committee minutes of 29 May 2013 and 9 October 2013, and all motions contained therein.

Appointments and elections:

Elected by the Faculty Senate:

  • To University Planning and Resources Council: Craig Mayberry, Management
  • To Academic Coordinating Commission: Jennifer Keller, Journalism, for Kristin Denham, English, 2013-14, and Julie Helling, Fairhaven, for Stan Tag, Fall 2013
  • To Academic Technology Committee: Gary Bornzin, Fairhaven

Constituent concerns:

President Neem presented two concerns that have been conveyed to him. The first regarded the Humans vs. Zombies game. The second concerned the media’s portrayal of the events of October 12, as well as a desire to ensure that students who may have been involved are treated appropriately by the University. 

Senators moved to a Faculty Caucus at 4:18 p.m. prior to adjournment at 5:36 p.m.