aerial view of Western's campus at night, with golden lights surrounded by dark trees

A new Window every month

Window magazine's new digital edition includes fresh stories each month

Window magazine was emailed to more than 80,000 people last week, launching our new monthly digital edition with new content each month.

The digital monthly format provides more opportunities for multimedia stories, such as “A Showplace for All,” about a new all-ages venue in downtown Bellingham, launched by CFPA alumni, that offers an intentionally inclusive space for performances by WWU students and others in the community. A video story includes footage of “Divinne Creatures,” show produced by student Nävouny Divinne with collaboration from LGBTQ+ Western.

The paper edition of Window continues to be mailed to about 120,000 alumni, donors and friends of Western twice a year. The next edition will arrive in mailboxes in November.

Ben Hodson and Martijn Wall of the Blue Room
Agriculture-reporting intern Rowan Westwood snaps a photo of a curious Holstein cow at Van Dellen Farms in Everson.

The August edition also included “Cow Meets Girl” a first-person piece by senior Rowan Westwood, whose ag journalism internship gave her a greater understanding of the local community’s family-owned dairy farms.

Video URL

Enjoy 90 seconds of highlights from our student commencement speakers.

Readers particularly appreciated a video featuring short excerpts from our student commencement speakers.

Jane Wong's memoir, "Meet Me Tonight in Atlantic City" was published to rave reviews in May.

Window’s new monthly digital format gives a boost to stories from WWU News, including interviews with Associate Professor of English Jane Wong on her well-regarded memoir, and with Engineering and Design’s Eric Leonhardt on the future of hydrogen power.

The next digital edition will be emailed in September. Fill out this form to make sure you get the email.

And if you'd like to receive the paper edition of Window magazine twice a year, send us a note to get on the Window magazine mailing list.