7-time Pushcart Prize nominee Stephanie Barbé Hammer coming to campus April 26

Western's English Department will host 7-time Pushcart Prize nominee Stephanie Barbé Hammer at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, April 26 in HU 109 to discuss her newest book, "Pretend Plumber."

Hammer's presentation is free and open to the public.

This wild and wooly comic novel follows the exploits of Sarassine Anfang, a queer curious, almost-14-year-old Jewish Los Angelina, who becomes so fed up with her wealthy family that she decides to run away from home and become a plumber. Crammed with kabbalah, spirits, a dysfunctional Jewish summer camp and more, Pretend Plumber careens from Hancock Park to Westwood to Simi Valley to Claremont and back again.

For more information on this presentation, email Professor of English Christopher Wise at christopher.wise@wwu.edu.